
QemuFast is a prototype of a version of Q-emuLator with a much faster CPU emulation engine based on just-in-time 68000-to-x86 binary code translation. As a result, QemuFast runs four times faster than any other existing Sinclair QL emulators. The downside is slightly reduced compatibility with old QL software, especially with programs that make heavy use of self-modifying code.

QemuFast is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
Don't run a QL program with QemuFast in full screen mode until you have tested it in windowed mode, because if QemuFast crashes or hangs when running in full screen mode you may need to restart your PC.

QemuFast has been tested with almost one hundred of QL programs and is compatible with most of them. If there is a QL program that doesn't work with it and you really need the extra speed compared to Q-emuLator, let me know and I'll try to make it work.  

[ICON] Download QemuFast 2.5 for Windows (461KB)



To run QemuFast, you need to have Q-emuLator installed on the same machine and fully registered. (Temporary and "Original QL" registrations are not valid for QemuFast.)
Unzip the qemufast.zip file and place QemuFast.exe in the same directory as Q-emuLator (usually c:\Program Files\Q-emuLator). Run it from there.

The current version of QemuFast can only be used until the end of 2009.

© 2009 Daniele Terdina. All rights reserved.

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